
Archive for the ‘racism’ Category

he calls himself krazie

he calls himself Krazie (pronounced crazy).  I’m surprised he doesn’t spell it kkkrazie.  he claims hes a skinhead in a group calling itself w.a.r.  white aryan resistance.  i’m not certain if its a group of whites resisting the aryan movement or if skinheads are just unconcerned with the matter  of redundancy.  consensus is that he joined because hes so tiny and needed protection.  31 years old with 9 years in prison and no larger than a malnourished 14 year old.  he was telling me all about the philanthropic activities of this organization.  sounds great but i don’t think its working because most of the members are incarcerated.  its ostensibly a grouop of people dedicated to the preservation of the white race.  which is odd because apparently when they meet up its to do meth, cook meth, or rob people (mainly whites) to buy meth.  he moved from the top floor because a black guy was sleeping up there (they hate blacks) but hes now sleeping above a Guatemalan (still unsure on official policy concerning Latinos) .  one thing that bugs the heck out of me is the inconsistencies among inmates.  He wants to murder our baby killer but has no problem laughing about how many people he’s got “hooked on the needle.”  parents of small children.  children who are lost to the foster care system.  i would respect racists and bigots more if they would just hate everyone in a consistent way.  i’m thinking about writing to the president of his club to compain.  i don’t think he would be pleased to know about the quality of skinheads in the lower echelons.

I have never been this close to such an open ignorance concerning race.  i can’t imagine being a black kid around someone like this and having someone to hate me for something as inconsequential and uncontrollable as my skin color.  i’ve always hated racism but listening to him talk, only God know how close i came to throwing him over the 2nd floor rail.  the night in got in, after listeningto all his vile conversation, i dreamed that i was in a smaller unit.  there was one black kid and 3 skinheads.  they were in there for having brutally attacked this black kid.  all night i dreamed that they laughed and joked about beating up this “N”.  how funny it was to hear him screaming.  the young black kid was crying in the cell with me while they recounted this story.  much pof what they said was stories this new guy had told me.  When i woke up I was pretty upset.  its probably safer that he did decide to move downstairs.  he’s in here for dope and loves to tell how he lets his 11 year old daughter drink whiskey and how he buys her week to smoke.  i don’t think preservation means what he thinks it means.


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